python certification course
An important issue confronting retailers and other businesses today is the preponderance of credit card fraud. This issue recently hit home, as my son was a victim a week prior to me writing this. We can apply machine learning to help detect credit card fraud, but there is a bit of a problem in that the vast majority of transactions are perfectly legitimate, which reduces a typical model’s sensitivity to fraud. As an example, consider a logistic algorithm running against the Credit Card Fraud dataset posted on Kaggle. You can download it here: To follow along you will need an installation of Python with the following packages: NumPy Pandas SciKit-Learn You can get all those packages, and many more, with the Anaconda installation which you can find at: To begin with, start off with the necessary imports. importnumpyasnp importpandasaspd fromsklearn.metricsimportconfusion_matrix, cohen_kappa_score fromsklearn.metricsim...