Top 3 MEAN Stack Online Courses

Top 3 MEAN Stack Online Courses
The term MEAN Stack refers to a collection of JavaScript based technologies used to develop web applications. MEAN is an acronym which stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, Angular and Node.js. The MEAN Stack enables you to use JavaScript on both, front- and back-end. There are four main building blocks of every full-stack MEAN application:
MongoDB: a schema-less (document-oriented) NoSQL database
Express.js: a server-side JavaScript framework running on top of Node.js
Angular: a browser-independent MVC JavaScript UI framework
Node.js: a server-side JavaScript run-time based upon Google’s V8 JavaScript engine
Traditionally, the developer had to learn and master different programming languages for multiple layers. That is no longer the case with the MEAN Stack. As a Web Developer with JavaScript programming skills you’re able to cover
Further advantages of the MEAN Stack:
Large pool of JavaScript developers
Data transfer among the application layers takes place in the form of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format
Huge module library of Node.js available to be used in MEAN Stack applications
The MEAN components are open source
Learning the MEAN Stack takes you to the next level of web development. By applying the MEAN Stack you’re a full-stack JavaScript Web Developer and you’re able to provide comprehensive solutions from front to back.
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What This Course Teaches You
This course teaches you the MEAN Stack from the beginning. To get started you only to need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The course starts with teaching you the MEAN Stack fundamentals and continues with more advanced topics. You should meet the following prerequisites when starting with that course:
It is recommended to have beginner-level Angular knowledge, though this course will provided a detailed refresher and will explain the core concepts used in detail
HTML, CSS and basic JavaScript knowledge is assumed throughout this course
Inside this course you’ll find over 20 hours of video content which is provided in over 250 lectures.
The following modules are included:
Getting Started
The Angular Frontend — Understanding the Basics
Adding NodeJS to our Projekt
Working with MongoDB
Enhancing the App
Adding Image Uploads to App
Adding Pagination
Adding User Authentication
Handling Errors
Deploying our App
Course Roundup
A Peek Inside Maximilian’s Course
Maximilian’s teaching style is easy to understand. He explains everything in full detail and you’ll be able to follow every step in the course with ease.

Is It Worth Signing Up — My Recommendation
With a total of over 33.000 students already enrolled the course has a very vivid community. This is great, especially when you are starting out with the MEAN Stack as you can find help easily when you experience problems.
Maximilian is doing a great job with that course. All the topics are well explained and examples are built step-by-step so that you can follow along. If you want to start with the MEAN stack today, this course is our top recommendation!
Feedback from one of Maximilian’s students:
I think that this course was really well done. The project was fun and Max taught us many great techniques. It was great to work on a project that was really end-to-end full stack. I plan on using this knowledge for my own projects. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanted to learn and eventually master the MEAN stack.
What This Course Teaches You
This course teaches you everything to get started with the MEAN Stack quickly. In comparison to the Maximilian’s course this course is shorter (8 hours video content). However, if you like to get a brief and comprehensive introduction the instructor is doing an good job in delivering the most important aspects of the MEAN Stack and explaining everything from the very beginning. By following this course you’ll be able to get first results very quickly.
The following modules are included:
Mean Stack Introduction
Installing Node
Installing MongoDB
Basic MongoDB CRUD Operations
Introduction to Git
Some Important Keywords
Creating a MEAN Stack Application — Part 1: Building Server Side API
Creating a MEAN Stack Application — Part 2: Building Frontend with Angular 6
A Peek Inside The Course
Is It Worth Signing Up — My Recommendation
If you’re looking for an online course which teaches you the most important fundamentals the MEAN Stack and then guides you through the steps necessary to build real-world full-stack applications this course is the right choice.
You’ll get hands-on experience and by building real-world projects at the end of the course you’ll have gained a lot of practical knowledge. Once having completed the course you will be able to make use of the MEAN Stack in your own web project without problems.
Here is what one of the course’s student is saying:
Course is really good for beginners .But for me it was a bit slow (best at speed 1.25) Course could be improved by adding some basic details about map,subscribe function ,etc.
Overall It was Awesome.
                What This Course Teaches You
Haider’s course is brand-new and is packed with over 14 hours of video content. The course starts with basic fundamentals and guides you through the more advanced concepts of using the MEAN Stack to build your web application. By building real-world projects you’ll gain a practical understanding of all building blocks of the MEAN Stack. After having completed the course you will be able to start with your own projects with ease.
The following modules are included:
Angular Fundamentals
Components and Data Bindings
Building Components
Final Project — Getting Started with Real World Application
Create Dashboard Layout on Frontend Angular Application
Adding Routing in Angular
Setup Node.js Server
Creating CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) API on Node.js Backend
Documentation for the REST APIS Using Swagger in Node.js
Creating CRUD with Reactive Forms and Material Data Table
Pagination, Sorting and Filtering on Angular and Node.js
Client Feature (Material Dialog and Material Data Table)
JSON Web Token Authentication with Passport
JSON Web Token Authentication in Angular
Social Authentication (Google, Twitter, Github) with Passport in Node.js
Social Authentication (Google, Twitter, Github) with Passport on Frontend
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A Peek Inside Haider’s Course
It fun to follow along the course and being guided by his step-by-step explanations. Even if you have no prior JS knowledge you’re able to understand everything without hurdles.
Here is a screenshot from one of the course’s lessons:
Is It Worth Signing Up — My Recommendation
This course it great if you really want to learn the MEAN Stack from the ground up, especially if you want to dive into more advanced topics like Documentation of REST APIs using Swagger, using Angular Reactive Forms, using the Angular Material library or applying authentication on client-side and server-side.
Here is what one of Haider’s student is saying about the course:
This is one of the best MEAN stack courses i had watched so far; this is not for “from zero beginners”, you’ll need to have some kind of background about node.js and angular. But once you have all that, you will understand everything, also i love how the app is structured at the end.[Source]-

62 Hours Mean Stack Developer Training includes MongoDB, JavaScript, AngularJS Training, MongoDB, Node JS and live Project Development. Demo Lect available. For more details, visit :


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