10 python blogs worth following

Hi there fellow programmers. I remember those days when i started learning python. I was always eager to find new blogs about python but found just a handful of them. This is one of the reason i started this blog. To spread my knowledge about python to other fellow coders. Today i am going to try to provide you 10 links to different python blogs that are worth following. By that i mean they are regularly updated and have useful info. So here’s the list:
1. The first one is Planet python undoubtedly one of the most famous python blogs out there. Go check it out. I hope you will find it helpful. It was last updated today.
2. The second blog is lucumr. The home of the developer of flask (a python micro web framework).
3. The third blog is love-python. I don’t know how i stumbled over it but i really like this blog as it has a lot of useful info and code snippets.
4. The fourth blog is of Doug Hellmann. He is the one behind PYMOTW (Python Module Of The Week). This blog covers a lot of python libraries. If you are searching for some new useful python libraries then go check this out.
5. The next blog is Coder Who Says Py. It’s a nice blog. Although it’s not regularly updated but still you will find some helpful info in there.
6. The sixth blog is effbot. Full of helpful info, code snippets and everything else you can expect from a python blog. Go check it out before it’s too late.
7. The seventh blog is of the writer of “Two Scoops Of Django”. It is pydanny. This is mainly about django but still a lot can be learned from this blog.
8. The next blog is of Al Sweigat. He is the writer of numerous python books including his latest book “Hacking Secret Ciphers With Python”.
9. The ninth blog is this blog on which you currently are. This is your all in one guide to python.
10. The last blog is one of the most useful blog which got me up to speed with python. It is called Mouse Vs Python.
I hope you liked today’s post and i am sure i helped you out of your frustration of finding good python blogs. Do share your views in the comments below and if you think that i have missed a blog then put it in the comments as well.[Source]-https://pythontips.com/2013/07/31/10-python-blogs-worth-following/
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