Coming Soon – AWS SDK for Go

AWS currently offers SDKs for seven different programming languages – Java, C#, Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, and Objective C (iOS), and we closely follow the language trends among our customers and the general software community. Since its launch, the Go programming language has had a remarkable growth trajectory, and we have been hearing customer requests for an official AWS SDK with increasing frequency. We listened and decided to deliver a new AWS SDK to our Go-using customers.
As we began our research, we came across aws-go, an SDK from Stripe. This SDK, principally authored by Coda Hale, was developed using model-based generation techniques very similar to how our other official AWS SDKs are developed. We reached out and began discussing possibly contributing to the project, and Stripe offered to transfer ownership of the project to AWS. We gladly agreed to take over the project and to turn it into an officially supported SDK product.
The AWS SDK for Go will initially remain in its current experimental state, while we gather the community’s feedback to harden the APIs, increase the test coverage, and add some key features including request retries, checksum validation, and hooks to request lifecycle events. During this time, we will be developing the SDK in a public GitHub repository at We invite our customers to follow along with our progress and join the development efforts by submitting pull requests and sending us feedback and ideas via GitHub Issues.
We’d like to thank our friends at Stripe for doing an excellent job with starting this project and helping us bootstrap this new SDK.[Source]-
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