10 Reasons Why You Should Use AngularJS
If you haven’t tried Angular yet, you’re missing out on why
people say JavaScript is the most flexible language in the world.
Angular is the only framework that doesn’t make MVC seem
like putting lipstick on a pig.
Most frameworks nowadays are simply a bundling of existing
tools. They are an integrated tool set, but not very elegant. Angular is the
next generation framework where each tool was designed to work with every other
tool in an interconnected way.
Here are 10 reasons why you should be using Angular today.
1. MVC done right
Most frameworks implement MVC by asking you to split your
app into MVC components, then require you to write code to string them up
together again. That’s a lot of work. Angular implements MVC by asking you to
split your app into MVC components, then just let Angular do the rest. Angular
manages your components for you and also serves as the pipeline that connects
Because Angular acts as the mediator, developers also won’t
feel tempted to write shortcuts between components that break abstractions just
to make them fit easier.
2. A declarative user interface.
Angular uses HTML to define the app’s user interface. HTML
is a declarative language which is more intuitive and less convoluted than
defining the interface procedurally in JavaScript. HTML is also less brittle to
reorganize than an interface written in JavaScript, meaning things are less
likely to break. Plus you can bring in many more UI developers when the view is
written in HTML.
HTML is also used to determine the execution of the app.
Special attributes in the HTML determine which controllers to use for each
element. These attributes determine “what” gets loaded, but not “how”. This
declarative approach greatly simplifies app development in a sort of WYSIWYG
(what you see is what you get) way. Rather than spending time on how the
program flows and what should get loaded first, you simply define what you want
and Angular will take care of the dependencies.
3. Data models are POJO
Data models in Angular are plain old JavaScript objects
(POJO) and don’t require extraneous getter and setter functions. You can add
and change properties directly on it and loop over objects and arrays at will.
Your code will look much cleaner and more intuitive, the way mother nature
Traditional data models are the gatekeepers of data and are
responsible for data persistence and server syncing. Those data models behave
like smart data providers. But since Angular’s data models are plain objects,
they behave more like a cork board. A cork board is nothing more than a
temporary storage area for people to put and retrieve data. However, Angular’s
cork boards work closely with a controller and view. To differentiate it from
the traditional sense of data models, Angular calls them “scopes”.
All properties found on the scope object are automatically
bound to the view by Angular. Meaning, Angular quietly watches for changes to
these properties and updates the view automatically.
The scope has no data to begin with and relies on the
controller to feed it data according to business logic needs.
4. Behavior with directives
Directives are Angular’s way of bringing additional
functionality to HTML. Imagine a world where HTML has so many rich elements
(for example <accordion></accordion>, <grid></grid>,
<lightbox></lightbox>, etc.) that we never have to manipulate the
DOM to simulate them. All that our app needs to do is to assign attributes to
elements to get any functionality out of the box.
Directives achieve this by enabling us to invent our own
HTML elements. By putting all our DOM manipulation code into directives, we can
separate them out of our MVC app. This allows our MVC app to only concern
itself with updating the view with new data. How the view subsequently behaves
is up to the directives.
Directives come in the form of custom HTML elements
custom attributes
<div data-myticker></div>
and custom class names
<div class="myticker"></div>
allowing them to be used like regular HTML elements.
Directives are designed to be standalone reusable elements
separate from your app. In fact, if a particular element becomes adopted by the
HTML5 standard, it should be as simple as removing your custom directive, and
your app should behave exactly the same without needing to change your app.
Remember, as a rule of thumb, your controller should not
manipulate the DOM directly. All DOM manipulations should be performed by
5. Flexibility with filters
Filters filter the data before they reach the view and can
involve something as simple as formatting decimal places on a number, reversing
the order of an array, filtering an array based on a parameter, or implementing
pagination. Filters are designed to be standalone functions that are separate
from your app, similar to Directives, but are only concerned with data
Filters are so resourceful that it is possible to create a
sortable HTML table using only filters without writing any JavaScript.
6. Write less code
All the points up till now mean that you get to write less
code. You don’t have to write your own MVC pipeline. The view is defined using
HTML, which is more concise. Data models are simpler to write without
getters/setters. Data-binding means you don’t have to put data into the view
manually. Since directives are separate from app code, they can be written by
another team in parallel with minimal integration issues. Filters allow you to
manipulate data on the view level without changing your controllers. Yes, this
is sort of a summary bullet point, but writing less code is a big deal!
7. DOM manipulations where they belong
Traditionally, the view modifies the DOM to present data and
manipulates the DOM (or invokes jQuery) to add behavior. With Angular, DOM
manipulation code should be inside directives and not in the view. Angular sees
the view as just another HTML page with placeholders for data. This way of
looking at the view pairs nicely with user interface designers.
By abstracting out the DOM manipulations and jQuery calls,
user interface designers are able to focus on the view without those
By making your MVC app purely about presenting business data
into views, and not have to worry about manipulating DOM, web app development
suddenly became more fun.
8. Service providers where they belong
Controllers in Angular are simple functions that have one
job only, which is to manipulate the scope. For example, you can use it to
prefill data into the scope from the server or implement business logic
validations. Unlike other frameworks, controllers are not objects and don’t
inherit from anything.
If controllers are so simple, then where should all the
heavy lifting be performed? Angular introduces Services to do just that.
Services are exactly what they sound like. They don’t get
involved with the MVC of your app, but simply provide an outward API to expose
whatever you want it to expose. Most of the time it syncs up to a server to
maintain an offline data store and exposes methods to push and pull data to and
from a server. Or it can be used to create a resource sharing service that
allows multiple controllers to share the same resources.
Services are designed to be standalone objects separate from
your app and allow your controller to be remain lean and dedicated to the view
and scope that it is assigned to. Of course, implementing services is not required
and it is perfectly acceptable to do some light lifting inside your controller
to avoid over complexity.
9. Context aware communication
A PubSub system is a pretty common tool that allows for
decoupled communication. Most PubSub implementations on the web are not context
aware. Sometimes you want a PubSub message to be readable only by children of a
particular node, or only readable by the ancestors of a particular child. In
other words, sometimes you don’t want unrelated MVC components to be reading
your messages.
The PubSub system in Angular is precisely that. broadcast()
will send a message to all children controllers, while emit() will send a
message to all ancestors.
But PubSub isn’t the only way to communicate between
controllers. In fact, if all you’re doing is telling other controllers to
update their views when a property changes, you should be relying on
data-binding. We already know that the view can be bound to properties on the
current scope. But what I didn’t tell you is that scopes inherit the properties
of their parent scopes. That means if a property exists on the parent scope,
and a child scope modifies it, then all other scopes that inherit from the same
parent will also see the same modification and their views will be updated automatically
by Angular! This automated way beats using PubSub any day.
10. Unit testing ready
What description of Angular would be complete without
talking about it’s unit testing readiness? The whole of Angular is linked
together by Dependency Injection (DI). It’s what it uses to manage your
controllers and scopes. Because all your controllers depend on DI to pass it
information, Angular’s unit tests are able to usurp DI to perform unit testing
by injecting mock data into your controller and measuring the output and
behavior. In fact, Angular already has a mock HTTP provider to inject fake
server responses into controllers.
This beats the more traditional way of testing web apps by
creating individual test pages that invoke one component and then interacting
with it to see if it works.
These 10 reasons should give you an idea of why Angular is
so powerful. Not all web apps should use Angular. For example, if you are
writing a game or a computationally intensive math program, there is no reason
why Angular would fit your particular problem domain. But for generic web apps,
it should serve as a viable framework to build
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